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The outdoor or indoor humid air of the dual-wheel dehumidifier enters the DIYi wheel treatment area after preliminary filtration and surface cooling, and the water in the air is absorbed by the dehumidifier wheel and becomes dry air;

After the initial filtration and surface cooling again, the two parts are separated, and a part of the dry air passes through the dier runner treatment area to absorb a small amount of moisture still existing in the dry air to obtain high temperature and ultra-low dew point air, which is sent to the drying chamber after cooling.

 How does a two-wheel dehumidifier work?

Part of the dier dry air passes through the small area treatment area of the dier flow path to obtain high temperature and ultra-low dew point air, which is heated to 100-140℃ by regenerative heating and enters the regeneration area in the opposite direction of the treated air, so that the dier flow path treatment area tends to lose its hygroscope ability during the hygroscope process.

The runner is slowly transferred to the regeneration area under the drive motor for regeneration and reduction, the water in the runner is desorbed, transported to the regeneration area of the diyi runner to dehumidify the runner, restore the moisture absorption capacity of the dehumidification runner, and driven by the transmission motor to the treatment area to adsorb the moisture in the treated air.

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+86 755-23225390

Miss Huang / +86 136-9189-0235

No. 161, South Garden 1 Road, Tangxia Avenue, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province


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